Healthy Through the Holidays

The holiday season is one of my favorite times of year. It's full of time with family and friends, wonderful smells, delicious food, and beautiful decorations. It is also a very busy time of year that can lead to stress and illness. Here are some tips to help you get through this holiday season stress-free, healthy, and happy!

1. Exercise! Exercise is beneficial in so many ways. It reduces stress, helps keep your immune system strong, helps you feel good, and helps burn off extra caloric consumption. We are all around more food than usual during the holidays, and studies should that it's harder to track intake in social situations. You may eat more than usual, but if you put that extra fuel to good use, you can minimize the damage to your waistline. Before you eat a big family meal or attend a social event, you can do what I do: drink a big glass of water before eating and then eat the protein source first. This makes you feel full faster and keeps you feeling full longer so you're less likely to overeat.

2. Say no. That's right! It's fun to see old friends and family, but you don't actually have to go to every function you're invited to. A night in to relax and decompress may be just what the doctor ordered. "Selective attending" also helps you avoid some of that extra fuel mentioned above.

3. Take vitamin D. One reason the flu picks up this time of year is that we're in close quarters with each other, and we aren't getting enough sunshine (vitamin D is so important that our bodies make it when out skin is exposed to sun). Vitamin D has strong immune-boosting effects and is one of the least expensive supplements out there. Zinc is another great one. If you start to feel a tickle in your throat, zinc lozenges can help reduce the intensity and duration of your symptoms.

4. Don't overindulge. Alcohol seems to be everywhere during the holidays. It can have negative effects on your health (and your waistline with all those extra calories). It's okay to enjoy a drink or two, but try to keep it within moderation. If you want something other than water or an alcoholic beverage to sip on at your next social event, try my go-to: sparking water (La Croix or Perrier are even flavored) and add a lime or lemon. There are virtually no calories, it tastes delicious, and you feel great the next day!

5. Get adjusted and de-stress with acupuncture! Taking a little time for yourself can help you stay healthy and keep your sanity throughout the holidays. A quick adjustment and 30 minutes on the acupuncture table may be just what you need to relax and reset. Both help boost your immune system and fend off those nasty bugs too!

Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season!



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